Craig’s Pantry – A Kosher Pantry in Broward County Area

Craig’s Pantry – Assisting a Jewish Community in Need


Broward County Elderly Face Financial, Affordable Rent Challenges

Craig Lamm is a well-established business executive who has a strong personal emphasis on community and is founder of Craig’s Pantry in Florida. Serving the needs of Jews facing food insecurity throughout Broward County, Craig Lamm’s organization provides kosher food that is collected, prepared, and distributed with love. 

The financial struggles that many aging people in south Florida face was recently highlighted in a report undertaken through the Jewish Federation of Broward County, the Community Foundation of Broward, and the local United Way chapter. Described as a “silver tsunami,” the situation is one in which rent prices have consistently risen and very few affordable housing developments have come online.

With 22.5 percent of Broward residents now above the age of 65 and that number continuing to grow, this represents one of the highest concentrations nationwide of a demographic that often lives on fixed and limited incomes. With the gap between wages and rent prices among the most profound in the United States, the end result is a situation in which nonprofits such as Craig’s Pantry have a critical role to play. Some 13 percent of the county’s elderly live below the poverty line, a figure that is four percent higher than the nationwide average.

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